Volleynerd Knowledge Base

Wednesday, December 18, 2002

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

RFC 1918 - Private Address Space
Non-routable addresses, used in home networks, etc.
keywords: networking, private, routable - (10/8 prefix) - (172.16/12 prefix) - (192.168/16 prefix)

Class A B C IP Address Ranges

Class Format 1st Octet Range Max # IPs
A N.H.H.H 0 - 126 16,777,214
B N.N.H.H 128 - 191 65,534
C N.N.N.H 192 - 223 254

Automatic Private IP Addressing

keywords: automatic ip configuration windows 2000 win2k w2k auto

Friday, November 22, 2002

After ping, do arp -a to get MAC addresses for latest machines you've hit.

FYI - ReplayTV ID is really just the MAC address in decimal format.

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

XSLPattern vs XPath

MSXML parser has a SelectionLanguage property that you can set to specify whether the selectSingleNode and selectNodes methods use a particular syntax.

set the current query syntax with setProperty. Pass SelectionLanguage either "XPath" or "XSLPattern".
XSLPattern is the default for backward compatibility.

From my own testing with sample XSLT viewer, the major difference is:
XPath is 1-based in collections, XSLPatterns is 0-based

MSXML 3.0 help in MSDN seems to be inconsistent:
Here it says XPath is 0 based in the elements of a collection.
The following finds the first author element.


Here it says XPath is 1 based.

For example, the following finds the first author element.

This article talks about setting the above -- setting the default selection language.

XSLPattern apparently does not support functions such as count(), sum(), string-length(), etc.

Missing child - urban legends

keywords: urbanlegends folklore spam email

Monday, November 04, 2002

Q243298 - BUG: Error Message: C2668: InlineIsEqualGUID: Ambiguous Call to Overloaded Function

other ways to deal with this:
  • change to call IsEqualGUID (only defined in one place)
  • if only one interface on your object, derive from ISupportErrorInfoImpl<className> and remove the code from your cpp file.

keywords: ATL GUID namespace

Wednesday, October 02, 2002

Top download sites (from Mark's shareware purchaser)

1. Yahoo! (http://www.yahoo.com)
2. Zone.com (http://www.zone.com)
3. CNET Download.com (http://www.download.com)
4. 5 Star Network Limited (http://www.5star-shareware.com)
5. SoftPile.com (http://www.softpile.com)
6. Alpha III Digital Audio (http://www.alpha3digital.com)
7. Flipside Network, Inc (http://www.uproar.com)
8. Simtel.Net (http://www.simtel.net)
9. DownLinX Internet Services (http://www.download32.com)
10. RI Soft Systems (http://www.screensaver.com/)
11. Randy Rasa (http://www.cleversoul.com/)
12. AAA-Soft Inc. (http://www.share2.com)
13. Arbecey Investment Ltd. (http://www.softdepia.com)
14. BlueChillies.com (http://www.bluechillies.com)
15. Spy Patrol. Internet Surveillance (http://www.spy-patrol.com/)
16. iWin.com (http://www.iwin.com)
17. Morrow International Incorporated (http://www.computer-monitoring.com/)
18. Sofotex Systems (http://www.sofotex.com)
19. Rob Boirun (http://www.burnworld.com)
20. Cybion (http://www.agentland.com)
21. AudioTools.co.uk (http://www.audiotools.co.uk)
22. Alawar Entertainment (http://www.gamextazy.com)
23. Customer Paradigm (http://www.customerparadigm.com)
24. AudioUtilities Inc, (http://www.audioutilities.com)
25. DailyMp3.com (http://www.dailymp3.com)
26. Coffee Break Arcade (http://www.coffeebreakarcade.com)
27. Alive Games (http://www.alivegames.com)
28. BetaNews, Inc. (http://www.betanews.com)
29. Greene eSolutions (http://www.pc-spy-software.com/)
30. Alawar Entertainment (http://www.gamextazy.com)
31. F.A.S.T., Inc. (http://www.pro-spy.com)
32. Rocket Download (http://www.rocketdownload.com)
33. Brilliant Digital Entertainment, Inc (http://www.brilliantdigital.com)
34. MPEGX Technology (http://www.mpegx.com)
35. Greg Bildson (http://www.limewire.com)
36. Speedbomb Digital Audio (http://www.mp3-cd-burner.com)
37. Original Programs, Inc. (http://www.originalprograms.com)
38. ALLFORMP3 (http://www.allformp3.com)
39. Valley By Web (http://www.internet-monitoring-software.com/)
40. GMF Silver Sales (http://www.gigene.com)
41. padring.com (http://www.padring.com)
42. MP3-CDBurner.com (http://www.mp3-cdburner.com)
43. MITON CZ, s.r.o. (http://www.stahuj.cz)
44. Luigi Di Serio (http://www.TopSecretSoftware.com)
45. CDBurner.ca (http://www.cdburner.ca/buy.htm)
46. David Spelts (http://www.downloadshareware.com)
47. SoftArtStudio (http://www.softartstudio.com/)
48. yeware Inc (http://www.yeware.net)
49. Altix Soft (http://www.altixsoft.com/)
50. SoftInfo (http://softbase.150m.com/)
51. NotePage (http://www.messaging-software.com)
52. Botspot (http://www.botspot.com)
53. TeamMP3 (http://www.team-mp3.com)
54. 1st Criteria Co., Ltd. (http://www.1stcriteria.com)
55. Password Crackers, Inc. (www.passwordportal.net)
56. ApplauZ Online (http://www.spy-gadgets.com)
57. Global Gaming Networks, Inc. (http://www.myggn.com)
58. Howard Swinehart (http://www.binaryboy.com)
59. Atomax, Ltd. (http://www.atomax.com)
60. tipsdr (http://www.tipsdr.com)
61. Whittaker Moore Associates Limited (www.PocketFillers.com)
62. RF1 Systems (http://www.newfreeware.com/)
63. Mark Harden (http://artchive.com)
64. Russian Password Crackers (http://www.password-crackers.com)
65. Artcyclopedia (http://www.artcyclopedia.com/)
66. OzGrid (http://www.ozgrid.com)
67. Astatix Software (http://www.astatix.com)
68. Net-Trace (http://www.nettrace.com.au)
69. Castle Software Ltd (http://www.castlesoft.co.nz)
70. Top-Only.com (http://www.top-only.com)
71. Chris Bolton-Heaton (http://www.btinternet.com/~chris.heaton/gator/gator.htm)
72. Freeze.com, LLC (http://www.freeze.com/)
73. new style (http://www.antispyware.com)
74. Astraware Ltd. (http://www.astraware.com/)
75. Soft Solutions Limited (http://www.sofsol.co.nz)
76. LitexMedia, Inc. (http://www.litexmedia.com)
77. Frank Bullen (http://home.att.net/~fbull)
78. eCAMERON, L.L.C. (http://www.cheating-spouse-software.com)
79. John Beal (http://www.4-mp3s.com/)
80. eMailman, LLC (http://www.emailman.com)
81. ElmSoft (http://www.elmsoft.com)
82. PHD Software Systems (http://www.searchengineworld.com)
83. 4PocketPC (http://www.4-PocketPC.com)
84. Kaiser-Kaplaner, EDV (http://www.musica.at/)
85. Fookes Software (http://www.notetab.net)
86. Freeware Guide (http://www.freeware-guide.com/)
87. Alexei Martchenko (http://www.superdownloads.com.br)
88. Unni Krishnan P R (http://freecell2000.tripod.com)
89. KUO CHUN YU (http://fly.to/best123)
90. MySQL AB (http://www.mysql.com)
91. Panicware, Inc. (http://www.panicware.com)
92. Camadro Inc. (http://www.FreeArcade.com)
93. Thomas A. Diomede (http://www.consumervaluemall.com)
94. Worldwide Anticrime Unit, Inc. (http://www.xgroup.com/)
95. Camtech 2000 (http://Camtech2000.org)
96. Uxus Software (www.JingleKeys.com)
97. Spyville (http://www.spy-town.com)
98. spysoftware.net (http://spysoftware.net)
99. Matt Lindenburg (http://www.distractionmedia.com)
100. Linda Villaverde (http://www.azlynx.com)

Monday, September 30, 2002

Terminal Services Client ActiveX control

(updated 5/8/2003)
apparently TS ActiveX client has been superceeded by the Remote Desktop Connection Web Connection Software Download available here
but...this client only works on NT4 and higher.

more to the story:
Apparently due to some security concerns with buffer overrun and the TS AX control, there were some patches released recently for IE and the web server? Well, summary of the story is that they have basically bailed on the TS AX control, and are now offering only the XP Remote Desktop AX client --- which only works on NT and above?!? What to do with this lame Win95 laptop!! :)

Dynamically Size HTML Element


Uses DHTML styles, so works in IE only...

Thursday, September 26, 2002

C++ Singleton Pattern

only one copy of the static member available to callers.

class egg
static egg* instance() { return &E; }

int val() { return i; }

static egg E;
int i;
egg(int I) : i(I) {}


Monday, September 23, 2002

Windows XP Media Center Edition Home Page
(pvr, replaytv replacement, video capture)

Friday, September 20, 2002

Tuesday, September 17, 2002

Monday, September 16, 2002

Monday, September 09, 2002

Sunday, September 08, 2002

Friday, September 06, 2002

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

Tuesday, September 03, 2002

ASP Component Design Guidelines
Apartment threaded objects in page scope, pitfalls of single or apartment threaded objects in application or session scope/variables/state.

Web Application Stress Tool

Load testing, simulate users hitting web pages. Scriptable, logs, etc.

MS Home Page

.NET Stress Tool

Duwamish Online

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

Spyware Paranoia

Shell Logging at CodeGuru
There's much more to this. Look into system-wide keyboard hooks too.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved
Long list of shell extensions here that get loaded into Explorer.exe process space!?

Sunday, August 25, 2002

Video Modulation

Distribute Dish signal to multiple locations

Arie's mom has some devices from ChannelPlus that allows them to distribute the signal from any of 3 satellite dish receivers to any tv location in the house, and remotely control them.

Apparently, an IR remote receiver is at each tv, then gets sent somehow (RF? coax?) to the closet where the sat receivers are. A switch on the IR receiver tells which of the 3 receivers you want to control with these signals. Then up in the closet at the other end there are IR blasters/emitters that route to the 3 sat receivers.

Cheap Simple Video Modulator

Radio Shack UHF/Cable Modulator

Video modulator - selectable channel w/ digital display, composite input to RF output.

Other stuff

Video Modulation

Utah Satellite - seem to have good prices on 1, 2 channel modulators ($99, $150). They say "CATV input", but can't tell if they mean COAX or RCA.

Video Modulators, Splitters and Switchers

Some dude's write-up all about video modulation

also search for "remote extender" (from here, products by Terk) and "video distribution"
Maybe just use 2.4 GHz audio/video distribution system to get things to another tv wirelessly.

Some guy's post on deja:

In general:

RCA plugs = baseband video

F connectors (coax) = RF (radio frequency, in this case modulated video and

To convert from baseband video and audio to RF you use a modulator. To convert
from RF to baseband video and audio you use a demodulator. A VCRs can be used
as a demodulator.

Since you have a nice unit like the ZPR-68 you really should stick to baseband
video and audio signals. Any time you modulate or demodulate a signal it gets

keywords: video modulator modulation share signal satellite dish direct directv

Saturday, August 17, 2002

Windows Startup Applications

Exhaustive and up-to-date list of applications you may find running without your knowledge.

Full List Online (also copied ZIP file to local utils directory)

This guy keeps track of spyware issues...

Monday, August 12, 2002

Group Member List in SQL

Pretty cool - you can get a list of members in an NT/W2K group by using the xp_logininfo stored proc.

exec master..xp_logininfo 'BUILTIN\Administrators', 'members'

Unfortunately, I couldn't get this to work for a domain level group. (Maybe just that I didn't have access rights?)

I'm trying to find a place in Win2K GUI where you can list the members of a domain group. In NT, when selecting a group in the permissions dialog, there was a Show Users button.

Yuk! Found a tool on MSDN ftp site that will list the users for a given domain group.

Friday, August 09, 2002

Tuesday, August 06, 2002

Friday, August 02, 2002

Impersonation Levels

As they relate to COM+ on Windows 2000.
  • Anonymous - Server can not see the client's access token, and is not able to identify or impersonate the client.
  • Identify - Server can read the client's access token for the purposes of reading its SID and determining its access rights. However, the server can not impersonate.
  • Impersonate - Server can impersonate the client and access local resources. Not able to access other remote resources using the client's credentials.
  • Delegate - Includes all of the rights to the token that the Impersonate level grants, plus the ability to pass on the client's token to other remote servers.

Transactions - Isolation Levels

Always wanted to have these documented somewhere:
  • Read Uncommitted - Lowest setting (best performer). Allow you to read a table that is currently being updated by another application. YOu run the risk of seeing data that has not been completely updated. Dirty Read
  • Read Committed - Wait until any write locks are released. Slightly slower performer since the app must wait on other applications to release their locks.
  • Repeatable Read - Prevents other apps from establishing write locks. Other apps will be able to establish a read lock, but not a write lock (??)
  • Serializable - Establishes a read or write lock over the entire range of rows affected by the transaction. ex: "select * from foo" - write lock will be established on all rows in foo.

COM+ transaction that runs agains MS SQL Server applies isolation level of serializable. (Be aware - can usually lead to table-level locks. COM+ isolation level on Windows 2000 not configurable. Eluding to the fact that maybe it will be in configurable in .NET Server 2002 ?)


  • Atomic - unit of work that completely succeeds or completely fails
  • Consistent - start and end with data in a consistent state. No temporary commits, etc.
  • Isolation - transactions occurring simultaneously must see each other's work. (usually leads to pretty "hefty" locking on rows, pages, or tables)
  • Durable - once a transaction has been committed, its data must be stored in a permanent state that can survive a power outage

Wednesday, July 31, 2002

Office 2000 - MSPAINT doesn't show Save As GIF, JPG. Apparently, these filters are not installed by default. They are installed on demand when you first use the filters.

To fix, open a JPG or GIF file using mspaint, then you should see the "save as" options appear.

MS KB Article

Tuesday, July 30, 2002

Weird DHTML Stuff

Dealing with visibility style and dynamically showing/hiding blocks is quirky. Here are some thoughts:

To toggle visibility, you must explicitly set the visibility attribute for the given element. Giving that element a class name that has a stylesheet attribute for visibility is not enough. You can either set the visibility with an inline style attribute for the element, or programatically with javascript when the page loads. If you only rely on the stylesheet, the visibility attribute will be null at first inspection.

Thursday, July 25, 2002

Cross-Site Scripting Explained

By Michael Howard - "Writing Secure Code"

Monday, July 22, 2002

All those startup apps -- do you really need them?
Lists all the applications that potentially can be found in the startup folder or "run" section of the registry....along with hints on what they do and how/if you can disable them.

Thursday, July 18, 2002

Torrey Pines

Pricing info as of 7/18/02:
  South North
City Resident 34 45
County Resident 75 60
Visitor 115 70

Pro Shop: 800-985-4653
SD Reservations: 800-905-0272 ($39 add'l charge per player)

Tuesday, July 16, 2002

Free DNS server with DHCP client update capabilities. (from Shane)
Open Domain Server

Also no-ip.com (from Joe). This one gives you a URL in their domain space that will hit your ip.

Friday, July 12, 2002

Thursday, July 11, 2002

Wednesday, July 10, 2002

Windows Explorer Command-Line Options

explorer /e,/root,c:\temp - opens explorer "rooted" at the given directory. ( /e makes explorer show the splitter window with folder list on left )

Monday, July 08, 2002

Problems with Windows Update

After failed install, I can't re-run the failed updates. Find this xml file in Program Files\Windows Update and tweak it. There is an "install date" element on the successful entries and nothing on the others. Maybe delete the elements that failed and WinUpdate will think we've never tried?

Blog This!

BLOGGER - How to create a BlogThis! bookmarklet
Edit REG file to use path to local .pyra file instead of one out on server. Otherwise you'll get "access denied".

Wednesday, July 03, 2002

blocks port 80, vulnerabilities, IGMP bombs, etc

Monday, July 01, 2002

The Ways of Golf

  1. Never try to keep more than 300 separate thoughts in your mind during your swing.
  2. When your shot has to carry over a water hazard, you can either hit one more club or two more balls.
  3. If you are afraid a full shot might reach the green while the group ahead are still putting, you have two options: you can immediately shank a lay-up, or you can wait until the green is clear and top a ball halfway there.
  4. The less skilled the player, the more likely he is to share his ideas about the golf swing.
  5. If it isn't broke, try changing your grip.
  6. Golfers who claim they don't cheat also lie.
  7. Everyone replaces his divot after a perfect approach shot.
  8. A golf match is a test of your skill against your opponent's luck.
  9. It's surprisingly easy to sink a 50 foot putt when you lie 10.
  10. Counting on your opponent to inform you when he breaks a rule is like expecting him to make fun of his own haircut.
  11. Nonchalant putts count the same as chalant putts.
  12. It's not a gimme putt if you're still away.
  13. The shortest distance between any two points on a golf course is a straight line that passes directly through the large tree.
  14. There are two kinds of bounces: unfair bounces and bounces just the way you intended to play it.
  15. You can hit a two-acre fairway 10% of the time and a 2-inch branch on a tree 90% of the time.
  16. Every time a golfer makes a birdie he must subsequently make three triple bogeys to restore the fundamental equilibrium of the universe.
  17. If you want to hit a 7-iron as far as Tiger Woods does, simply try to lay up just short of a water hazard.
  18. To calculate the speed of a player's downswing, multiply the speed of his backswing by his handicap. Example, backswing 20 miles per hour, handicap, 15, downswing 300 m.p.h.
  19. There are two things you can learn by stopping your backswing at the top and checking the position of your hands: how many hands you have, and which hand is wearing the golf glove.
  20. Hazards attract; Fairways repel.
  21. You can put "draw" on the ball, you can put "fade" on the ball, but no golfer can put "straight" on the ball.
  22. A ball you can see in the rough from 50 yards away is not yours.
  23. If there is a ball in the fringe and a ball in the bunker, your ball is in the bunker.
  24. If both balls are in the sand, yours is in the footprint.
  25. Don't buy a putter until you have had a chance to throw it.
  26. The inevitable result of any golf lesson is the instant elimination of the one critical unconscious motion that allowed you to compensate for all your errors.

And from the Golfer's Book of Wisdom:
"Golf is good for the soul. You get so mad at yourself, you forget to hate your enemies."

Sunday, June 30, 2002

PCI Video Card

(for use with potential HP Pavilion 752n with no AGP slot)

Google discussion of PCI video cards

Friday, June 28, 2002

Hosting Sites

Brinkster - .NET aware, but free service is web based file upload utility. Supposedly able to upload using IDE, but couldn't get it to work (had to hack xml/xsl just to get POST->GET to work). Many people complaining about lack of access to "bin" directory, etc

InnerHost - (featured provider in IDE). Free account (for 3 mos). FTP access, IDE upload. Access db only for free acct.

Web Strike Solutions - (from Jason/Kral). Free for first year. Not sure about .NET support. Kral working on their policy to "approve" components that get uploaded.

Eraserver - (from Kral) 30 days free. $10/mo

Thursday, June 27, 2002

Unresolved External - Main

msvcrt.lib(crtexew.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "_WinMain@16"

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16 referenced in function _WinMainCRTStartup fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

In the Output category of the Link tab in the Project Settings dialog box, set the Entry Point Symbol to wWinMainCRTStartup.
For Visual C++ .NET: In the Advanced category of the Linker folder in the Project Properties dialog box, set the Entry Point to wWinMainCRTStartup.

MS KB Article

Monday, June 24, 2002

Oahu surf spot map

Tuesday, June 18, 2002

Google Web Service - query more than 2 billion web documents directly from your own programs.

Google Web APIs - Home

Wednesday, May 01, 2002

Preprocess to File

In VS6, add /P to the command line build options in the project.dsp file for the given file. Find the file in the list and put # ADD CPP /P after the file and before the "end source file" comment. You have to do this by hand in an editor, then load the project in VS6 (or do it behind the IDE's back and it will warn you that it's changed and offer to reload -- cool). This generates a FileName.i file in the same directory as your source.

In VS7, apparently there is a setting under Project Properties, C/C++ folder, Preprocessor, Generate Preprocessed File

Monday, April 22, 2002

Oracle DateTime Format

Display dates in query output
alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'

Insert dates into table
insert into foo values ( to_date( '04/01/2002', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS' ) );

HH hour (1-12)
HH24 hour (0-23)
MI minute
SS second
SSSSS seconds past midnight (0-86399)

SQL GroupBy

Never realized you could get the count and sum of many different columns in a query. The trick is that everything in the "select" clause must be in the "group by" clause. When using the group by, think of it like jamming all those columns together - as long as there's something unique in at least one of the columns, it'll come out as a different group.

select [a,b,c...] , sum(d), sum(e), count(f)
from tableA, tableB
where tableA.ID = tableB.ID
group by [a,b,c...]
