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Wednesday, August 28, 2002
Spyware ParanoiaHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellExecuteHooks Shell Logging at CodeGuru There's much more to this. Look into system-wide keyboard hooks too. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved Long list of shell extensions here that get loaded into Explorer.exe process space!? Posted 4:41 PM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]() Sunday, August 25, 2002
Video ModulationDistribute Dish signal to multiple locations Arie's mom has some devices from ChannelPlus that allows them to distribute the signal from any of 3 satellite dish receivers to any tv location in the house, Apparently, an IR remote receiver is at each tv, then gets sent somehow (RF? coax?) to the closet where the sat receivers are. A switch on the IR receiver tells which of the 3 receivers you want to control with these signals. Then up in the closet at the other end there are IR blasters/emitters that route to the 3 sat receivers. Cheap Simple Video Modulator Radio Shack UHF/Cable Modulator Video modulator - selectable channel w/ digital display, composite input to RF output. Other stuff Video Modulation Utah Satellite - seem to have good prices on 1, 2 channel modulators ($99, $150). They say "CATV input", but can't tell if they mean COAX or RCA. Video Modulators, Splitters and Switchers Some dude's write-up all about video modulation also search for "remote extender" (from here, products by Terk) and "video distribution" Maybe just use 2.4 GHz audio/video distribution system to get things to another tv wirelessly. Some guy's post on deja:
keywords: video modulator modulation share signal satellite dish direct directv Posted 2:48 PM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]() Saturday, August 17, 2002
Windows Startup ApplicationsExhaustive and up-to-date list of applications you may find running without your knowledge.Full List Online (also copied ZIP file to local utils directory) This guy keeps track of spyware issues... Posted 6:47 PM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]() Monday, August 12, 2002
Group Member List in SQLPretty cool - you can get a list of members in an NT/W2K group by using the xp_logininfo stored proc.exec master..xp_logininfo 'BUILTIN\Administrators', 'members' Unfortunately, I couldn't get this to work for a domain level group. (Maybe just that I didn't have access rights?) I'm trying to find a place in Win2K GUI where you can list the members of a domain group. In NT, when selecting a group in the permissions dialog, there was a Show Users button. Yuk! Found a tool on MSDN ftp site that will list the users for a given domain group. global.exe Posted 5:37 PM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]() Friday, August 09, 2002
Tuesday, August 06, 2002
Friday, August 02, 2002
Impersonation LevelsAs they relate to COM+ on Windows 2000.
Posted 8:05 AM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]()
Transactions - Isolation LevelsAlways wanted to have these documented somewhere:
COM+ transaction that runs agains MS SQL Server applies isolation level of serializable. (Be aware - can usually lead to table-level locks. COM+ isolation level on Windows 2000 not configurable. Eluding to the fact that maybe it will be in configurable in .NET Server 2002 ?) ACID
Posted 7:59 AM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]()