Volleynerd Knowledge Base

Saturday, November 29, 2003

FutureSmart Home Wiring

I probably have this link somewhere already, but here just in case.

FutureSmart at SmartHome

home wiring futuresmart future smart structured

IE Open in New Window or Popup Links are Broken

Clicking on link that would normally bring up a popup gives javascript -- access denied.

Print Preview also fails with this error:
dialogArguments.__IE_PrintType is null or not an object.

Not sure how I got in this state. Disabled and then removed Google toolbar (popup blocker) -- not its fault.

MS KB article here.


turns out, it was a tweak in DCOMCNFG that I did a couple weeks back for work. Trying to get remote connection points working, and I remember now tweaking the default access security settings.

THANKS a TON to this guy's post on google groups.

Basically, in DCOMCNFG "default access permissions", I had only SYSTEM. So adding the Interactive account (along with administrators, IUSR_xxx, and IWAM_xxx while I was in there) -- fixed the problem!!

keywords: Internet Explorer open new window print preview popup pop-up access denied DCOMCNFG default access permissions security

Monday, November 24, 2003

The Screen Savers -- Home Video Crash Course

Kevin's list of Video Compression Tools
Video Compression Tools

Dr. DivX - 15 day trial, then $50
includes "pro" version of dr divx encoder -- more options

Windows Media Player 9 encoder -- FREE !!

Saturday, November 22, 2003

Discrete Codes - Sony TV

RemoteCentral.com has a bunch of them, but says that ANT button is "not supported".

Here is hope:
Remote command codes - Sony TV (1, 164, 3, 151, 119)

Have to convert from "command code" 42 to a ProntoNEO compatible code, but that is here too:
How to use these codes with a Pronto Remote

Thursday, November 20, 2003

ReplayTV Compilation of Tools

Good site for links to all the files, tools, etc. you need for ReplayTV.

Virtual4K.com - ReplayTV emulation software for the PC

Sunday, November 16, 2003

Free PDF creation

Printer driver that will "print" to PDF format from any Windows applicaiton.

Easy PDF: PDF Creation tool

ooops - the free one can NOT "print" to save as PDF from any app Free version is only a WYSIWYG editor that will save out as PDF.

update 10/02/05
OK, here is a truly free driver. Well at least that's what the linking page said - I haven't actually gone to get this one.

Friday, November 14, 2003

Monday, November 10, 2003

Splitter / Combiner / Filters

For use with video modulator in home video distribution.

First - a good overview of all the pieces to this puzzle.

So "low-pass" presumably means the filter allows anything below the rating. What about the high channels like cable modem (109) and digital channels in the 200-500 range?

Leviton Combiner (not sure of frequency range)

SmartHome "notch filter" (7822E) looks like it only blocks a range and allows channels to pass above.

Friday, November 07, 2003

Audacity and LAME

updated 08/25/05
WavePad is another WAV editor - thanks to Russ for this link.

Audacity will record from WAV out, but also includes editing features. Export as MP3, etc.

Find Audacity (from sourceforge) at Download.com

To export to MP3, need "freely available" lame_enc.dll

LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder (from SourceForge)

Another free network sniffer

Kevin Rose from The Screen Savers with another Dark Tip

NetworkActiv PIAFCTM - File Constructing Packet Analyzer

Sunday, November 02, 2003

View HTTP Headers within IE

Explorer bar that will show you headers going in and out.


[wonder what spyware he's doing along the way??] :)
