Volleynerd Knowledge Base

Monday, December 29, 2003

IE OnDocumentComplete event may not be fired

316593 - The DocumentComplete Event May Not Be Triggered When You Open a New Browser Window

(found by searching for "documentcomplete" on MS support page -- support.microsoft.com)

keywords: IE 5.5 6.0 DocumentComplete DownloadComplete Internet Explorer

Friday, December 26, 2003

Day after Christmas - TechTV Call for Help A-Thon
Main page with links for hours here

XPlay for iPod

Software that you run on Windows to view internals of drive layout, files, music, etc. for iPod.
XPlay for iPod

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Ugh, Jobs will be gone in 2014

U.S. Companies Moving More Jobs Overseas

keywords: outsource india

Saturday, December 20, 2003

Dynamic DNS

Kevin on The Screen Savers likes this one

Windows XP, Remote Desktop Security

First off, Kevin says traffic for remote desktop is encrypted -- been wondering that for a while.

He also shows the links to NSA documents on securing Windows XP.
Turn security for remote desktop up to HIGH
He has summarized them here

P2P Picture Sharing

Shown on The Screen Savers
Free, real-time picture sharing, interactive, etc.

The program --- "Hello"

List of things to disable in Windows XP

"Black Viper" showed his website and list of services on Tech TV's "The Screen Savers"

TechTV | Trim the Fat From Windows XP

AV Cast

Distribute video, audio, even infrared remote signals throughout the house.


Saturday, December 13, 2003

XBOX Media Center

After xbox mod, here's the xbox media center that allows you to play pretty much all videos, pictures, etc.

Xbox Media Center

Hauppauge MediaMVP

Play MPEG1, MPEG2 videos, pictures, music (MP3) on your tv.

Hauppauge Computer Works: MediaMVP

Sunday, December 07, 2003

Gamespy Arcade - XBox Tunnel

Gamespy Arcade, tunnel software lets you run LAN-based system link xbox games over your broadband connection.

Here's a link with firewall info, etc.

GameSpy Arcade - Play Hundreds of Online Multiplayer Games!

Thursday, December 04, 2003

XP Command Line Utils

From The Screen Savers... list of lesser-known command line utilities available in XP

TechTV | Windows XP Command Line Utilities


systeminfo -- shows all about machine, including what hotfixes (windows update patches) have been applied

tasklist -- list of currently running processes

taskkill -- kill a process

getmac -- displays MAC address

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Explorer Command Line Options

Always like to have this handy for startup links, quick cmd line stuff, etc.

152457 - Windows Explorer Command-Line Options
