Volleynerd Knowledge Base

Saturday, March 27, 2004

IM for Gamers

Find buddies, tells what game their in, what server, etc.

From The Screen Savers...

Xfire - The Instant Messenger for Gamers

Sunday, March 14, 2004

ReplayTV to DVD

The Screen Savers tips on going from ReplayTV to DVD.

Uses DVArchive, then rtvtools, the reVue.

Recommend burning with ULead DVD Movie Factory, since it won't *re-encode*, this will save hour(s)

TechTV | Burn ReplayTV to DVD

Saturday, March 13, 2004

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Bug in ATL 7 COM Server Code

The code in the ATL base class for AtlModule has a bug in the startup sequence.

As posted by this MS dude, PreMessageLoop fails to call CoResumeClassObjects( ) when running as a service. There is a missing section of code in the if/else around the m_bDelayShutdown var.

Fix, as shown in the posts, override the PreMessageLoop, call the base class, then if m_bDelayShutdown is set, call CoResumeClassObjects( ) yourself.

Google Groups: View Thread "Problem with ATL 7.0 service (HELP!)"

Google Groups: View Thread "But in ATL CAtlExeModuleT?"

Saturday, March 06, 2004

Outlook - Delete from AutoComplete Address List

Happened upon this keystroke when fat-fingering an address....have wondered now for a while how to do this.

In Outlook, when addressing a new mail message, you get the dropdown list of addresses that match what you've typed so far. This list gets filled up quickly with one-time email addreses, junk, etc.

Here's how to delete the ones you don't want:

When the list comes up - select the one you want to delete, and hit SHIFT + DELETE

keywords: Outlook email address dropdown auto complete autocomplete intellisense
