Volleynerd Knowledge Base

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Free Screen Capture

Capture screen, window, or region to file or printer. FREE !!

Provtech Limited - Homepage

Monday, June 21, 2004

HD TV Listings

Now that I finally have HD (High Definition) TV, here's one place I found that tracks what will be showing in HD.

HDTV Galaxy

keywords: HiDef HD listings

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

COM server is busy

How to supress/prevent the "server busy" dialog when in a c app and waiting for a COM call to return.

Thanks to Mark Bidar for this find.

248019 - HOWTO: Prevent Server Busy Dialog Box From Appearing During a Lengthy COM Operation

Paid family leave in CA starts July 1, 2004
Paid Family Leave in California

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

ReplayTV drives

Weak Knees, all things DVR related. Bigger drives for ReplayTV, etc.

TiVo Upgrade Kits, Complete TiVos, and DirecTV DVR - WeaKnees.com
