Volleynerd Knowledge Base

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Google Mail hack - temporary email address

In a nutshell, you can add +whatever to your existing email addr and GMail will send that email to your normal address, but in a folder named whatever!!

joe+temp1@gmail.com goes to temp1 folder in gmail

original post here

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Google Earth Hacks

Drive Snapshot - Alternative to Ghost

Google Talk

Of course everybody knows that Google Talk was released yesterday. So far, it's looking pretty THIN on features to me. I still have to try the voice calling PC to PC.

Here is a page from Google about interfacing to Talk from other IM clients! Talk about "open" !!! Unforutnately for now, Trillian Pro is needed to interface, since you need Jabber/XMPP protocol.


Well Intern Joe has been getting me fired up on Flickr lately. At first glance, I saw it as just another photo posting site. Still not completely convinced that I'll use the "community" portion of the site, with the tags, and finding others photos, etc.

There are a couple very cool things about it though:
  • Once you add friends, you are notified automagically when they add new photos.
  • Uploading software. Bummer it's an install to your machine, but once you do it, then have shell extension "send toFlickr". Will resize on the way up if desired.
  • Uses EXIF data to show info about each picture. Date/time taken, camera used, etc. (see below for more on that data)
In doing some early experiments, I have started to learn more about the EXIF data that accompanies the JPG pictures. It has info about the camera used to take the photo, along with date/time taken, exposure settings, etc.

2 issues so far:
  1. Apparently when using the Windows XP power toy to resize pictures, you lose the EXIF data ??? I haven't completely confirmed this, but after resizing manually with XP, then uploading, all my pictures had a "date taken" equal to the "date uploaded" - a pretty good clue that the date taken data had been lost. So I tried again, this time using the original pics, and using the Flickr Uploadr tool - this time it looks like the date taken had survived.
  2. It looks like sorting pics in a stream is automatically based on the date taken. Trying to confirm this. Once you've added pics to the stream, then you adjust the date taken, not sure if the pics are then reordered.
Anyway - in searching around for help on date sorting, and EXIF, Flickr help had this article.
Flickr: Forums: FlickrHelp: exif and filename mass-manipulation software [info] Intern Joe can probably use this since he's lost all the EXIF data in all the file moves (burn to CD, move to HD, backup, compress, etc)

Here are plenty of other people wondering the same thing. Random order, or reverse order of pics in a set is lame.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Steganography with Flickr

Great stuff - embed any kind of data (document, another picture, data, etc) inside a file (usually image, jpg). This guy walks you through the process using a Linux tool, but can do it for Windows too.

So for example, use Flickr or PutFile to store docs or transfer large files.

Steganography with Flickr - The Digital Photography Weblog - digitalphotography.weblogsinc.com _

keywords: hide embed document image jpg jpeg gif

Friday, August 19, 2005

Windows XP Tips and Tricks

Hundreds of tips and tricks for Windows XP

Windows XP Tips and Tricks

CSS Properties - Index Page

.NET Passport from Blogger P.O.V.

Found this guy's blog when looking around for nsIXMLHttpRequest (writing my Firefox extension). Seems that he's pretty into (and knowledgeable about) .NET Passport.

Fear is the mind killer

How to Switch from Yahoo Mail to Gmail

Someday, when I'm ready to make the switch to gmail, here are some quick notes on the transition.

I've had a gmail account for a long time, just can't quite find the need to make the switch...yet... (the growing disk space quota is a possible future reason)

It's short, and pretty self-explanatory actually, export/import really. But has some links to a couple SourceForge projects that can potentially grab all your mail as well.

There are also some tips on Yahoo vacation response setup, so mail coming to Yahoo after the switch will be notified.

How to Switch from Yahoo Mail to Gmail - wikiHow

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Xbox 360 Pricing Announced

So it turns out they'll have TWO versions of the Xbox 360 at launch.

$299 - "core system"
  • console
  • wired controller
  • detachable faceplate
  • xbox live silver membership (I *think* this upgrades to gold on weekends?)
  • standard AV cables
$399 - "full" ? system (offers backwards compatibility with xbox v1 games)
  • console
  • 20 GB detachable hard drive
  • wireless controller
  • wireless xbox live headset
  • high def AV cables
  • ethernet cable
  • xbox 360 media remote control (limited time - not sure if that means only during launch?)
  • detachable faceplate
  • xbox live silver membership
Prices for accessories are listed too. The 20 GB HD is $100 just by itself, so the full system will be worth the extra cost.
Wireless controller: $50, Headset $20, and what is a "play and charge kit"?

Now the big remaining question: which titles will be available at launch. There have been many rumors and lists, but per this article, none have absolutely committed.

More details here

Team Xbox writeup here

BTW, the headset looks NICE (packaging pic here). Finally it's something that is hopefully comfortable to wear for many, many hours. :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

JavaScript Reference

A bit busy and hard to read since most of the content is actually a *picture*, but nonetheless, all JavaScript objects, methods, properties on the single page.

JavaScript Reference

Here is a more manageable one with links to drill down into objects, methods, properties.

And here is a reference that's dedicated to regular expressions in JavaScript.

And one more here that combines regular expressions as they relate to String.Replace and String.Match

Google Maps + MSN Virtual Earth

Wow! This site combines Google Maps, MSN Virtual Earth (with and without labels) all on the same page. It's actually flash, so very responsive.

It really shows where one or the other is lacking in image quality, detail, etc.

Flash Earth

How-To: shopping for major discounts at Dell

An ex-Dell employee gives some insight on how to get good deals at Dell. Basically it's all about buying from a rep on the phone, never from the website. The reps want to fill their quotas, and will almost always give you 20-30% less than what's on the web.

MobileRead Networks - Shopping for major discounts at Dell (how-to): "Dell 42” Plasma W4200 – MSRP $2999, Online $2699, 20% Rep Discount $2159.20"

Routers - Default Password List

Ha ha - for the wardriving in all of us, a huge list of default passwords for all kinds of routers.

Default Password List

Monday, August 15, 2005

Free Photoshop video tutorials

Someday if I ever get Photoshop, here are 21 free video tutorials.

Lombergar.com - Free Photoshop video tutorials

Leet Reference

Wikipedia reference information about Leet (1337), a spelling convention for typed words.

"characterized by the use of non-alphabetic characters to stand for letters which bear superficial resemblance, as well as by a number of spelling changes such as the substitution of "z" for "s" at the end of a plural word and "x" for "(c)k(s)".

Leet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Tech Manuals

Tons of technical manuals here, in PDF format.

Some of what I saw there:
  • Assembly language
  • Multithreaded programming
  • HTML reference
  • Operating systems
  • Cryptography tutorial
  • Digital signatures
  • DES, RC5, Blowfish (in plain english, heh), Twofish
  • Networking
  • Bluetooth
Food for Thought

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Putfile - Upload Video and Upload Images

Putfile - Upload Video and Upload Images

Here is another host - free video hosting. Beware, there is some R and worse rated stuff here...

FileFront is another choice - only limit is 1 GB file size

Store and stream video files at YouTube (avi, mov, mpg, and 100 MB size limit)

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Free Flash Tutorials

This site is VERY busy with flash stuff, but maybe that's because they're giving away free flash tutorials.

Can't tell yet whether all of them are free, or only the first few. Just wanted to blog this site in the meantime (will report back with more after I try a couple)

FreeFlashTutorials.com Presented By CartoonSmart.com

Free wi-fi cafes & other wireless hotspots

Pretty good searchable listing of public wireless hotspots.

From their site:
Stop into your local free hotspot, buy a mocha, and let them know how much you appreciate the free wi-fi!

Free wi-fi cafes & other wireless hotspots | MetroFreeFi.com

Thursday, August 04, 2005


Video Cast that might be worth checking out. Along the lines of Systm? (found it on Digg.com)


Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Soople; search functions in Google.

This site organizes the many different search options on Google into easy forms you can fill out.

Soople; easy search in Google.

...and here is a "cheat sheet" that the GoogleGuide folks created. (They have also created PDFs of various categories of searching information, available from their home page.)

Monday, August 01, 2005

Tech Shows

Just some dude's list of currently available freely downloadable tech shows.

Of course Diggnation, Systm, and The Broken are all listed.

Tech Shows

Firefox DOM Differences

Where have I been? I guess just following the IE non-compliant train...

I came across the first non-conforming piece of DHTML today when trying to update the innerText of an element. As I've been doing for my whole life with IE, I was trying

someElement.innerText = 'whatever';

That doesn't do anything in Firefox. So I tried to narrow it down. When you alert( someElement ), it works, gives you back an HTMLSpanElement, but what to do from there is the trick.

Thanks to Google Groups, some dudes were talking about w3c compliant firstChild DOM property ...

So here's the Firefox (and IE) compatible code:

someElement.firstChild.data = 'whatever';

Here's the formal reference for the Node interface in the object model.

Follow-up note: if the SPAN element starts off empty, the firstChild property will be null.

In other words, an element only has children if there is text (or other elements) below it in the DOM hierarchy.

Quick fix for now, I started the SPAN tag with a space. (IE will ignore a true space, so use   )

If you want to do this the RIGHT way...look for child node, if not there, add it, otherwise, alter the existing node. Like so:
if ( dan.firstChild == null )
node = document.createTextNode( 'added it' );
dan.appendChild( node );
dan.firstChild.data = 'replaced it';
See reference above for info on the createTextNode and createElement methods.
