Volleynerd Knowledge Base

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

43 Folders | A bunch of tricks, hacks, and other cool stuff

The Million Dollar Homepage

Falls under the category of "why didn't I think of that".

According to the TWITs, this guy did this to raise money for college. Currently, he's at $750,000, so he's either going to a killer college, or maybe not going to college at all !!

The Million Dollar Homepage - Own a piece of internet history!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


I know I'm way behind in listening to the TWIT (This Week in Tech) podcast - I'm only on show 24. But here is a decent list of sites that the twits frequent

Microsoft Codename Max

Seems to be a competitor to Picasa - photo organizing software for Windows. Max runs on WinFX components from Windows Vista.

Microsoft Codename Max

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Gizmo - Alternative to Skype?

According to a small article in Wired - Gizmo is the next great VOIP client, and possibly better than Skype, due to the following:
  • up to 99 person conference (Skype max is 4)
  • uses standard session protocol, compatible with other clients like yahoo, iChat, etc. (Skype uses proprietary protocol)
  • uses central server farms, not P2P, so not subject to certain user's machines bogging down if busy doing other processing
  • record conversation directly to hard drive - great for podcasting
Get Gizmo here

BadApple Plug-In for iTunes

My wife is always bummed that her mp3 player (Rio I think?) doesn't sync with iTunes. Although we've had bad luck with iTunes in general on my main desktop machine (fails to burn CD, laptop works fine), she still finds iTunes the best for buying music.

Anyway - here's a plug-in for iTunes to allow synching with any mp3 player (as long as it mounts as a USB hard drive). Small gotcha - can't sync DRM music that you purchased from iTunes, only MP3's that you ripped from your CDs or other source.

FAQ - BadApple plug-in

Monday, November 14, 2005

FolderShare - Storage Space in the Sky

Apparently recently bought by Microsoft, so the service is currently FREE.

FolderShare - File Transfer & Remote File Access - Product Overview

Unlimited file space, any file type, single files up to 2 GB in size.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

PortForward -- All info about routers

PortForward.com - Free Help Setting up Your Router or Firewall: " 4711,14667,28900 14567,14690,23000-23009,27900
Battlefield 2 80,4711,29900-29901,1024-1124"

Thursday, November 10, 2005

My Firefox Extension - Unwrap Text

I finally finished my Firefox extension (called Unwrap Text), and have it posted on the Mozilla dev addons site.

It was a bit of a struggle to get it approved; first the description wasn't detailed enough, then they denied me because my link to the updates.rdf file was at my volleynerd web site. Apparently you can only host updates.rdf on their server - no external links.

Now I'm having a bit of trouble making the "quick description" look good. I enter it with paragraph breaks, and it comes out correct on the pages of newest FF extensions. But when you get to the details page for the extension, the description text is all jammed together.

BTW - I entered bug #315996 at Bugzilla about the "newest extensions" link on their main page starting you at the 2nd page.

OK, so I'm "approved" at the mozdev.org site (UnwrapText project), but now have to learn CVS to put my source code up there. Found this page for noobs like me.

(update 11/26/05)
My college buddy Dave pointed me to TortoiseCVS for a decent Windows CVS client. Tried that a bit last night, and looks pretty decent. Coming from the Visual Source Safe (VSS) world, there are some different paradigms to transition to in the CVS world. Tortoise extends Windows Explorer with context menus and status icons, so there really is no GUI for it. Adding new directories is a little strange, and apparently per their CVS setup, you can't delete directories, just the contents within them (and those contents end up in the "attic").

Anyway - got my first label of code up there in CVS.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

XBOX 360 Zero Hour

MSN site that will post URL for tickets to XBox 360 Zero Hour event.

Google Talk Conference Call

Kind of a hack, have to run multiple instances with /nomutex option to get it to work, but might come in handy for our BF2 gaming.

info here

keywords: google talk gt conference 3way 3 way

Monday, November 07, 2005

Replay TV Show Sharing Test

To verify connectivity for ReplayTV show sharing, use this site.

It does a quick test from the internet side to see if it can contact your ReplayTV based on it's unique ID.

Thanks to poopli.com, the show sharing site, for this link.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Mobile Navigation

On a recent biz trip, my boss brought a TomTom to navigate us around Seattle. It's a portable GPS / navigation system that gives directions, finds restaurants, etc.

Garmin has some too.
