Volleynerd Knowledge Base

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Announcing HoboCopy

HoboCopy is a file/directory/volume copy utility by Craig Andera at Pluralsight wrote. He talks about how robocopy is pretty cool, but can't copy files that are in use.

HoboCopy uses the Volume Shadow Service APIs to work it's magic. He's using it for a nightly backup alternative. Check it out.

Announcing HoboCopy

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Zune

Microsoft's entry into the mp3 player market with the Zune is coming soon. I haven't really been following it ... but here is some info, along with links to blogs by the MS team members.

The Zune production team just loves to blog - PVR Wire

Monday, September 18, 2006

10 Programming Languages You Should Learn Right Now

My buddy Intern Joe sent me this link. Of course he found it because PHP (the be-all, end-all language in his mind) was at the top.

C# and AJAX are 2 & 3

10 Programming Languages You Should Learn Right Now

Friday, September 15, 2006

California Overtime Facts

At a recent client, they started a mandatory overtime policy to get through "crunch time". Some of the employees are looking into the overtime laws - which made me curious as well.

Here's a decent site to get started to understand the California OT laws.

California Overtime Facts

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Sonos Digital Music System

My buddy Intern Joe pointed me to this. Pricey at $1000 for the starter system, but something I can dream about.

Sonos is a system to wirelessly stream music from your PC loaded with music on the drive, to any number of "players" throughout the house. RF based remote to control which music is playing in which rooms, etc. 2 different players, one that hooks into existing receiver/speakers or a PC, then another which has it's own amp.

Someday ...

Sonos Digital Music System to stream digital music wirelessly from PC to any speakers in your home

Flickr Support for Blogger

Interesting arrangement between Flickr (Yahoo) and Blogger (Google). From Flickr, apparently you will be able to post a picture to your blogger based blog.

This is achieved due to Blogger (Google) exposing a way for external sites to authenticate through them, then what -- call APIs to post blogs?

Blogger Buzz: Flickr Support for Blogger in beta

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Obscure Command Prompt Commands
