Volleynerd Knowledge Base

Friday, February 21, 2003

Find machine name from IP address

did this on Windows XP

start with IP - can do tracert <ip_address>, sometimes this will give it to you. but other times, it will just give you the DHCP-given IPname, which doesn't help.

arp -a gives you a table of IP addresses to MAC addresses

nbtstat -A <ip_address>

Example output and explanation:

NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table

Name Type Status
MIKE <00> UNIQUE Registered
MUSHROOM <00> GROUP Registered
MIKE <03> UNIQUE Registered
MIKE <20> UNIQUE Registered
MUSHROOM <1E> GROUP Registered

MAC Address = 00-4F-49-05-8D-56

Group names represent Workgroups and Domains
00 is the Workgroup
1E means that the machine is a potential master browser.

Unique names represent individual machines/users (and are unique)
03 is the Username
00 is the Computername as a client
20 is the Computername as a server
(Not only do computers have more than 640k, but they're both clients
and servers now too!!)

All this, and you get the MAC address too.

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