Volleynerd Knowledge Base

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Cut Piece of Replay Video for CD

Since there are so many permutations on how to do this...here's what currently works for me:

MPEG2CUT.exe (v 1.15) -- open the MPG from replay download. Optionally select "range". File, Save Selection, will save as a ".VOB".

VirtualDub (MPEG version/patch) (v 1.4.13, build 14328/Release) -- File, Open Video file, select .VOB from MPEG2CUT (have to set filter to "all files").
Optional -- Video menu, full processing mode, then go back and select Compression setting. I've been doing DivX, but can try others I'm sure. (DivX puts a symbol in lower right of resulting vid).
Optional -- Audio menu, full processing mode (Direct stream copy will leave untouched?), then go back and select compression (MP3?) and conversion settings.
Finally, File, Save as AVI (or segmented AVI for putting on CDs, etc).
Optionally, set "save as batch for later"...

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