Volleynerd Knowledge Base

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Microsoft HP Superdome -- SQL Server Hardware

Cool video clip from the Channel9 team showing the MS SQL Server "HP Superdome". Something like a terabyte of RAM, 2500 hard drives, etc.

Euan Garden - Tour of SQL Server Team (Part III)

Wireless Bridge for XBox

How to configure wireless bridge device for things like XBox, when you have WEP encryption turned on, need MAC address, etc.

Basically, temporarily plug the device into your PC, and use the software provided (sometimes just a browser) to hit the device and configure it. Once configured, unplug it, and take it to the xbox.

Google Groups : microsoft.public.xbox.halo

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Throw Paper - Addicting Game

Pretty simple, yet addicting game. Throw paper balls into the trash can, accounting for wind direction.

:::: Throw Paper ::::

Monday, December 20, 2004

CheckHD.com - Check Programming

Another HD info site - this one with a pretty good programming grid. Doesn't show in order of channels, but shows which programs are in HD and which are not.

CheckHD.com - Check Programming

keywords: HD high def hidef progrmming channel lineup

Another TV Listings site that's got good HD info. Unfortunately, takes a lot of work to customize channel lineup to delete unwanted channels, etc.


Wednesday, December 15, 2004

SQL Server -- BCP pads with spaces on import

Spent WAY too much time today figuring out why my BCP import was putting spaces in my varchar columns. Still not sure I have it completely figured out, but sounds like it's by design.

The ANSI_PADDING setting is honored when a table is **created**, and will dictate what happens when data is inserted into varchar columns. Seems odd that this setting is saved from when the table is created, not when the data is being inserted.

I ended up having to do a brute force method. After BCP import, I go through the columns, and rtrim them. Have to watch out for a column that had no data, so rtrim leaves a single space?

Something like this:
osql -E -d Sales -Q "update orderdetail set PONum = rtrim(PONum)"

osql -E -d Sales -Q "update orderdetail set PONum = '' where PONum = char(0)"

Google Groups : microsoft.public.sqlserver.server

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Slow or Delayed Screen Updates After Reconnecting to Remote Desktop

Have seen this occasionally on my work machine, and now on the Build box at work.

Slow or Delayed Screen Updates After Reconnecting to Console Session

keywords: slow delayed response reconnect remote desktop

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

SQL Statement Fails when call through OpenQuery

Ran into this today at work. Building up a string that is the SQL statement to pass to openquery. Since the sql statement is calling a stored proc, and has params in it, it needs quotes itself to surround string based params.

When calling the SP directly on the server, it works fine. When called through OPENQUERY, it fails. Turns out when using OpenQuery, SQL makes an extra call of "SET FMTONLY ON" to get metadata info about the resultset. This FMTONLY setting blows up the execution of the sql statement.

Workaround: use 4-part name to call the SP, not through OpenQuery. Issue: have to turn on "RPC OUT" on the linked server setup to get the remote exec SP to work.

PRB: T-SQL Function OpenQuery Fails to Execute on Linked Servers

Monday, December 06, 2004

SQL: Pass a Variable to a Linked Server Query

Just some info on quoted identifiers and concatenating strings in SQL.

HOW TO: Pass a Variable to a Linked Server Query

Monday, November 29, 2004

Air Traffic Control System Command Center

Just a real-time airport delay tracking system.

Air Traffic Control System Command Center

Mozilla / Firefox Custom Keywords

Yet another cool feature of Firefox - custom keywords for bookmarks. It will substitute the term following the keywords, for placement in the URL.

For me:
ggms = google groups search of microsoft.public.*
ggnet = google groups search of microsoft.public.dotnet.*


Mozilla Custom Keywords

Paycheck Calculator

Have used this before, and wanted to remember where it is. Ohhh...where is my "browser favorites" in the sky... ?

Paycheck calculator here

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Shared Web Hosting

MSDN blogger pointed out this one.

WebHost4Life. starts at $4.95, but to get ASP.NET, SQL server, etc, have to get the $15 plan.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Sharing Bookmarks - del.icio.us

No frills online boomkark management tool. Apparently has an API to get at the links from other apps too.

Sharing your bookmarks: http://del.icio.us, wikis, and the zen of SharePoint

Monday, November 22, 2004

ccmexec.exe and inventory.exe - what are they and what do they do?

MSDN blog entry about ccmexec and inventory processes on Windows. Related to SMS - talks about what they do and how to stop them if causing performance problems.

ccmexec.exe and inventory.exe - what are they and what do they do?

Windows Process Lookup

Pretty deep list of processes and DLLs that run on Windows. Gives info about what a process or DLL is, where it's from, and in some cases, how to stop / remove it.

ProcessLibrary.com - The online resource for process information!

Updated 8/20/05
Here is another extensive list of processes running on Windows.


Saturday, November 20, 2004

TMpgEnc Plugin

Cleaning house in email inbox, and found this one. After machine rebuild, might need this someday. I think it's the MPG2 encoder that can plug into the TMPGENC tool.

MPG (MPEG) encoder tool


Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Halo 2 Strategy

Spoilers galore in this campaign mode strat guide. Haven't read much of it, since I'm only on chapter 5.

Has a multiplayer guide as well, so I'm combing through that now.

Halo 2 Campaign Mode Strategy Guide

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Photo Mosaic

Kinda cool, shown on The ScreenSavers. Looks like they just put the main image in the back, then plaster small photos on the front of it, but comes out decent.

AndreaMosaic Home Page

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Firefox Tips and Tricks (including extensions)

Various info about Firefox tips, tricks, settings, etc.
about:config, user.js, tabbed browsing tweaks, speed up load time

Firefox tips and tricks

Updated 11/05/04
5 Must Have Firefox Extensions

Mozilla Calendar, Image Zoom, AdBlock, BugMeNot, IE View

SessionSaver extension

Updated 07/20/05
To view the file cache, enter about:cache for the url.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Network Music Players

The ScreenSavers reviewed these 5 players - from $100-$250, various capabilities.

Roku Soundbridge m1000
Apple Airport Xpress
Linksys WMLS11B
Slim Devices Squeezebox
Omnifi DMS1 -- like this one the best just based on show notes

POP Access to Yahoo Mail

POP3 access to Yahoo! mail that really just uses HTML hits to Yahoo?

Worth a look, since many companies block outbound POP access.

Thanks Sarah!

Madotate - 3D Windows

Madotate gives you 3D window capabilities in Windows OS. Slide them to the side of the desktop and sideways.

GMail Goodies

Thanks to Sarah at The ScreenSavers for these GMail goodies.

GMail Notifier (system tray or Mozilla/Firefox), gPopper (pseudo-POP access)

Thursday, November 04, 2004

HDTV World - CNET.com

Decent channel lineup with indicators of 720p and 1080i for various channels. Wish it was in grid format... :(

HDTV World - CNET.com: "720p"

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Exec Stored Proc on remote linked server

Finally found a hint online that shows the extra setting you need to exec linkedServerName.dbName.owner.storedProc

Until now, I get "server not configured for RPC". Turns out, you need to turn ON RPC OUT

EXEC sp_serveroption 'linked_server_name', 'rpc out', 'true'

(or use the Ent Mgr UI, right click properties on the linked server)

Google Groups: View Thread "Executing sp of another Server"

Monday, November 01, 2004

Native Win32 ports of some GNU utilities

Ports of some unix utilities. Recently I was wishing I had the tail command available to me in a windows command prompt. Here it is...among others...

Native Win32 ports of some GNU utilities

Sunday, October 31, 2004

DVD Formats Comparison

Comparison of various DVD
Posted by Hello

Thursday, October 28, 2004

SQL: Split String into Parts (and other SQL script gems)

Some ideas on how to accomplish in T-SQL the equivalent of the Split( ) method.

T-SQL Script

Other cool scripts are on this site too:
Show only one row for a group of duplicates

Main page here for various other scripts.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Audio Receiver Wish List

Soon, I'll need to pick out a new home theater receiver. My current Sony doesn't have component video inputs, and generally just need an upgrade.

My wish list:

  • numeric volume
  • at least 2 component video inputs (would like 3, but seems like that's only in the higher end stuff)
  • RF Remote
  • digital audio (selectable?) looks like I need 4 digital (optical) inputs
  • mix/match audio/video inputs (as opposed to a preset combination)
  • onscreen display (hopefully on all inputs, not just some/one)
  • switch/support HD component video signal
  • center channel speaker connection - 2 wire connection, not RCA jack
  • learning remote
  • upconvert composite / s-video to component video
  • night listening mode (increases dialog, decreases surround)
  • 5.1 speaker support, since I dont have 6.1 (center back) speakers

What is DPL IIx ? What about DPL II ?

Current inputs:

  • HD cable (DVI straight to tv?), digital audio
  • DVD component, digital audio
  • ReplayTV component, digital audio
  • XBox componnet (straight to tv?), digital audio
  • CD - probably just RCA jacks, can play CDs in DVD :(

Handheld GPS

Someday, when I get a cheapo handheld GPS, I think I want it to at least have maps on which it plots my whereabouts.

Here's a decent looking one:
Amazon.com: Electronics: Magellan eXplorist 200 Handheld GPS (Yellow)

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Hide a Drive from Explorer

Hide a drive letter show it doesn't show up in Explorer
Sarah's Windows Tweak: Hide Those Hard Drives

Friday, October 15, 2004

ReplayTV Show Sharing

Poopli is the site to find shows. Search by title, then it emails the owner of the show.

PlanetReplay is another site. You post your request in a forum, and hopefully somebody answers.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Multiple Monitors and Even Old Laptop

Some very high level info on multiple monitor support in Windows XP, but points out that with MaxiVista, you can even use an old laptop as a second monitor (just has to be on the network)

Using Multiple Monitors with Windows XP

Send To - Compressed Folder missing

On Windows XP, my Send To, Compressed Folder (zip) was missing.

Easy fix:

regsvr32 zipfldr.dll (can just run this from RUN box, since it's in system32)

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Gameplay recordings

Sara from The Screen Savers showed these two sites related to recordings of perfect games from classic arcade games:

Record your games

NES games here

Friday, October 01, 2004

Domain Names

Kevin Rose from The Screen Savers likes registerfly for domain names.

Lots of features in addition to standard domain registration.

Zip Code Plotter

Graphically plot zip codes on a map

(thanks to The Screen Savers)

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

SQL convert from date to string

I always forget this SQL syntax, to convert from date to common string formats, so blogging it here once and for all.

-- convert from date to string, with leading zeros, etc.
-- see books online help for "CAST and CONVERT"

-- get leading 0 on a date part
select Right( '00' + CONVERT(VarChar(2),DatePart(mm,getdate())), 2)

-- convert date to a common string format
-- (100 series numbers are with century, 0-99 are with 2 digit year)
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), getDate(), 101) -- mm/dd/yyyy (USA)
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), getDate(), 112) -- yyyymmdd (ISO)

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Mac OS X vs. Windows XP

Comparison on many, many facets of Mac OS vs. Windows XP. Everything from networking, files, icons, settings, windows, etc.

Mac OS X vs. Windows XP

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Gmail and GTray

Windows system tray icon notification for gmail email system.

GMail and GTray

Monday, September 20, 2004

Traffic 411

Decent traffic site with rollover incident popups.

Shows traffic for SD county, Orange County, bay area, Chicago, etc.

Traffic411: San Diego Traffic Map

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Digital 3-channel Modulator (Astrotel)


Monday, September 13, 2004

Freeware, Shareware Downloads

Thanks to Leo at The Screen Savers (before they were closed and he left) for this site.

SnapFiles, has a good set of files, and a search feature that will find only freeware.

keywords: download, freeware, shareware

Thursday, September 09, 2004

HD TV video card for PC

Wow - ATI comes out with a HiDef video card, which is bundled with an antenna and a remote.

Wired News: HD PC: Cheaper Than High-Def TV

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Airplane Seating Charts

Wow - a list of many aircraft, by carrier, then a seating chart with comments about various sections.

SeatGuru.com - Your Enlightened Guide to Airplane Seating

Monday, September 06, 2004

Free *Good* Software List

Leo (from KFI and leoville.com) links to this guy's site with a long list of free software.

Presumably these have been verified spyware-free!

Ramsinks Computers

Streaming Download Project

Allows you to record streaming audio from MMS, ASF -- even with a VCR like time-based setting.


The SDP Multimedia website for ASF download and MMS protocol specification

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Athens 2004 Olympic Journal

A US swimmer is fighting the supposed ban on blogging (for some sports/countries), has a journal / blog going here...

Athens 2004 Olympic Journal :: Goldblatt . info

Main Blog Page Here

update: here's a directory of other Olympic blogs

RSS Feed for TV Listings

Still under construction, but hopefully soon, this will have a full tv listing for many channels in a single RSS feed.

ktyp bootleg_rss/tv

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Priceline Newbie

So I finally used PriceLine for the first time last week. Here are a few notes for me to remember for the next time trying.

Use BiddingForTravel to forumlate the bid. For hotels,

  1. find area you are looking for a hotel
  2. there is a list of hotels per rating (3 star, 4 star, etc) in that area
  3. find the lowest rate available online for at least 3 of those hotels (links are in the listing
  4. bid on PriceLine should be about 35% of the lowest online rate

Free "re-bid" -- again, see BiddingForTravel.com. PriceLine doesn't allow you to continue re-bidding with just a higher $ bid, you must change any of dates, hotel zone, star rating. Here's a way to re-bid with slight change in $ bid:

Find a nearby hotel "zone" that does not have any hotels with the star rating you are going for. Priceline views this as a change in the hotel zone, so a new bid is allowed (adjust the $ value as desired). You shouldn't end up with a hotel in the added zone since there are no hotels that meet the star rating you wanted.

Beware - new hotels are supposedly always being added. I guess there's a *slight* chance a hotel could show up that is not on the biddingfortravel.com website list.

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Blogger Help : How do I change the order of my archive links?

Sony TV Remote Codes

I probably tried these already, but I still haven't found a discrete remote code for my Sony LCD projection TV's Video/Aux button. I can toggle it, but I need a discrete code that will go to either one.

Sony KF-50XBR800, although maybe this next week I'll be getting a warranty replacement!? :)

RC Files: HTM MX-700 - Sony KF-50XBR800 RP Television by Harvey Gordon

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Tech Ed 2004 Slides


Free Photo Software

Friday, July 16, 2004

Alternatives to IE

Rundown of alternatives to IE browser. Talks about WebSideStory, seeing a (slight) drop in IE usage over the past month.

Wired News: Cool Ways to Give IE the Boot

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Online Weather School

Learn about weather details here

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

XBox Connect

Similar to Gamespy Tunnel, this PC software allows you to play LAN based SystemLink XBox games over the internet.

XBConnect :: Online Gaming Evolved.

Mozilla Add-ins

Someday, I'll try Mozilla or Firefox for browsing, and when I do, here are some add-ins that are worth checking out.

Wired News: Building a Better Mozilla

Update 7/15/04

Here's a follow-up story with more add-ins

Update #2 Security Hole! in Mozilla.
I'm sure as Mozilla gets more use, more and more holes will be found. Be sure to get the patch here.

Component Video Switch Box

Found this via avsforum.com. Switch box that allows 4 component video inputs, to 1 output. Also has 4 audio optical inputs, that go to one output.

This one says "adaptive", where it senses the "active" connected input and automatically selects that one, but looks like there's a manual select as well (wouldn't be via remote though).

Audio Authority Model 1154. $199

Also found reference to Mad Catz HDTV Component system selector, but couldn't find it on the MadCatz web site for now.

Monday, July 05, 2004

DLink Access Point Security

This is probably (?) documented somewhere on the dlink.com website, but finally stumbled across it today. (Thanks to Bro-in-law Dann for telling me that it's possible on the DLink)

See notes below - this is what I tried, and *pretty sure* it's working how I think it is...

Set access point on wireless router to

  • only allow connections by known MAC addresses
  • do not broadcast/announce SSID
Contrary to the help docs, these "allow only MAC" settings prohibit ANY access to the device, not just "internet traffic".

Caution: make sure you add the MAC address of the machine you're using to access the AP first! I had trouble getting any response (even the result of the MAC address "add") from the device after entering the first MAC that was NOT my desktop).

  1. Assuming you've already set a SSID and enabled WEP encryption on the Home / Wireless page
  2. Advanced Tab / Filters page
  3. Select "MAC Filters"
  4. Select "only allow MAC address listed below..."
  5. Provide a name, the MAC address. (DHCP client dropdown is only populated if this device is serving up DHCP addresses, which mine is not)
  6. Repeat above steps for any other MACs. Note that VPN on a laptop sometimes has it's own unique MAC address which will need to be added to the list as well.
  7. Advanced / Performance page. Set "Authentication" to "Shared Key". (see help for details, but basically this is the setting that hides the SSID and uses the Filters list for connections validation)
  8. For my WiFi card, went to advanced settings, "configure", selected "Network Authentication (Shared Mode)".

The WiFi card on my laptop had a cached SSID for my access point. Not until I deleted that SSID from the list, stopped and removed the card, then re-inserted it, did all this seem to work.

Until I setup "shared mode" on the WiFi card configuration, I couldn't connect -- I think this is proof that the modes are working correctly.

Only thing I did not successfully prove to myself -- I changed the allowable MAC address list to have a bogus MAC. Re-connected from the laptop, and still got success...and browse internet. Hmmm...

keywords: wifi access point shared key wep encryption ssid broadcast

HD programming info

Sound and Vision mag has this update on HD programming, what's available, foramts, etc.

S&V Guide to HDTV

keywords: HD high def definition hidef

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Free Screen Capture

Capture screen, window, or region to file or printer. FREE !!

Provtech Limited - Homepage

Monday, June 21, 2004

HD TV Listings

Now that I finally have HD (High Definition) TV, here's one place I found that tracks what will be showing in HD.

HDTV Galaxy

keywords: HiDef HD listings

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

COM server is busy

How to supress/prevent the "server busy" dialog when in a c app and waiting for a COM call to return.

Thanks to Mark Bidar for this find.

248019 - HOWTO: Prevent Server Busy Dialog Box From Appearing During a Lengthy COM Operation

Paid family leave in CA starts July 1, 2004
Paid Family Leave in California

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

ReplayTV drives

Weak Knees, all things DVR related. Bigger drives for ReplayTV, etc.

TiVo Upgrade Kits, Complete TiVos, and DirecTV DVR - WeaKnees.com

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

SQL Server Update Trigger for "last modified" date

I may need this soon - so here's an example of the syntax.

Using a trigger to manitain a last modified date for a table.

select 'create trigger ' name '_updatedate on ' name ' for update not for replication
update ' name ' set update_date = getdate()
where id in (select id from inserted)
from sysobjects where type = 'u'

Microsoft SQL Server - Creating a Date Updated Field in Tables - SQLTeam.com: "select 'create trigger ' name '_updatedate on ' name ' for update not for replication
update ' name ' set update_date = getdate()
where id in (select id from inserted)
from sysobjects where type = 'u'"

Saturday, April 24, 2004

TPC Stadium Course

Pics / review of the TPC Stadium course in Palm Springs.

TPC(c) Stadium Golf(c) Course @ PGA WEST(tm) Review

Monday, April 12, 2004

/no_robust flag for MIDL compile if need Win9x/ME support

WOW!! Found this gem the hard way today. Proxy-stub was returning 0x80070725 (Incompatible version of the RPC stub) on Win98 & ME.

Found this issue discussed in google groups -- with VS.NET 2003, have to pass /no_robust to generate proxy-stub code compatible with older OS'es.

Google Groups: View Thread "How to make a COM server/ATL Project for Windows 98?": "Henrik"

keywords: no_robust proxy stub proxy-stub incompatible Windows 98 ME 9x

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Command Line Flash Compiler Tool

compile flash files from the command line.

mesh on mx

Saturday, March 27, 2004

IM for Gamers

Find buddies, tells what game their in, what server, etc.

From The Screen Savers...

Xfire - The Instant Messenger for Gamers

Sunday, March 14, 2004

ReplayTV to DVD

The Screen Savers tips on going from ReplayTV to DVD.

Uses DVArchive, then rtvtools, the reVue.

Recommend burning with ULead DVD Movie Factory, since it won't *re-encode*, this will save hour(s)

TechTV | Burn ReplayTV to DVD

Saturday, March 13, 2004

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Bug in ATL 7 COM Server Code

The code in the ATL base class for AtlModule has a bug in the startup sequence.

As posted by this MS dude, PreMessageLoop fails to call CoResumeClassObjects( ) when running as a service. There is a missing section of code in the if/else around the m_bDelayShutdown var.

Fix, as shown in the posts, override the PreMessageLoop, call the base class, then if m_bDelayShutdown is set, call CoResumeClassObjects( ) yourself.

Google Groups: View Thread "Problem with ATL 7.0 service (HELP!)"

Google Groups: View Thread "But in ATL CAtlExeModuleT?"

Saturday, March 06, 2004

Outlook - Delete from AutoComplete Address List

Happened upon this keystroke when fat-fingering an address....have wondered now for a while how to do this.

In Outlook, when addressing a new mail message, you get the dropdown list of addresses that match what you've typed so far. This list gets filled up quickly with one-time email addreses, junk, etc.

Here's how to delete the ones you don't want:

When the list comes up - select the one you want to delete, and hit SHIFT + DELETE

keywords: Outlook email address dropdown auto complete autocomplete intellisense

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Delete Key from .REG file

REG files are useful for importing data into the registry, but you can also delete keys and values with a REG file.

Delete the whole key (recursively, of course) like this (note the minus sign just inside the left bracket):
Delete a single value like this:


Wednesday, February 11, 2004

SelfCert to Create Cert for Office VBA Projects

Script that runs in Outlook via Rules Wizard. Trying to attach a digital certificate for security settings.

Even with this digital cert, Outlook still prompts me when it's time to run the script.
Per the help links below, I've set Outlook script security to "High" and "Very High", after seeing that my personal cert is installed as "trusted".

Still get prompted every time the rule tries to run saying something like "script is trying to access outlook email addresses". If answer YES, it runs correctly, but I don't want to have to be there to answer YES in person all the time.

OFF2000: Using SelfCert to Create a Digital Certificate for VBA Projects

This guy has some hints on how to hook up the digital certificate and get Outlook to trust your cert.

Well, this seems to explain it. Seems that an Outlook security patch a while ago (back in the Outlook 2002 days?) prohibits sending email (or accessing address lists) from within a script, add-in, etc. A prompt is shown, forcing the user to be there and decide to send the email. (Obviously, this is to prohibit scripts that spam 1000s of outbound emails).

This prompt behavior apparently happens even if the script is signed, etc.
Oh well, guess I'm out of luck.

Finally, there are some other hints, ideas in this google search

keywords: outlook rules wizard run script security warning vba visual basic

Friday, January 23, 2004

Another .NET Web Host

Thanks to Belvo for finding this from FindMyHosting

Various cheap plans that run on Windows Server 2003, ASP.NET 1.1, mySQL, etc. Also have media streaming capabilities, some good 3rd party ASP components, etc.

Seems like good bandwidth on the plans.

Windows Web Hosting Provider ? Affordable Website Hosting Company

Saturday, January 17, 2004

Feedback about VOOM

So it's expensive right now, and so far, missing ESPN, HGTV, Golf, TechTV, etc.

Anyone checked out VOOM? - www.ezboard.com

Thursday, January 15, 2004

HD for San Diego

Thread about HD reception in Carlsbad.

However, this is pretty dated info...

hdtv.forsandiego.com: Reception in Carlsbad

Replacing What Runs for Exe

Sysinternals.com "Process Explorer" uses this registry key to hijack when you want TaskMgr.exe to run -- it will instead run "procexp.exe"

Looks like this works by telling the OS that you want to run a "debugger" for this exe. In this case, it's not really a debugger, just some *other* exe that you want to run?!

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\taskmgr.exe
Value 0
Name: Debugger
Type: REG_SZ
Data: D:\Hanan\Utils\SysInternals\procexp_2k.exe

keywords: replace exe when it runs

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

HD Show Lineup

Shows network channels, as well as HBO, HDNet, etc. What's on each day, including the format (1080i vs. 720p)


Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Green Patch on Sony GW TV

Found these couple dudes having the same green patch problem I'm having on my Sony TV.

(See reply question post #12, then answer #15)

How's your GWII doing - AVS Forum

Why Widescreen TVs Still Show Black Bars

A decent explanation of the different aspect ratios, DVD movies that show black bars, etc.

Widescreen TVs do NOT get rid of black bars totally. - AVS Forum

High Definition Video Games

From Gomez, list of HiDef (HD, High Definition) capable games.

HDTV Pub . Com - High Definition Video Games...

(Wondering if Amped 2 xbox is really showing as HD on my tv...)

Sunday, January 11, 2004

HD TV Blog

Reasonably up-to-date info about HD around the country. Channels being added, HD PVRs, etc.

High Definition TV Blog

keywords: HD hidef high def definition pvr replay tivo

HD on Dish - Cheapest Satellite HD?

According to the blogger above, as of Jan 6, 2004, HD on Dish is a pretty decent way to go...

Dish Network info here

Friday, January 09, 2004

Extended Open/Save As Dialog

gajits.com - DlgXRSizer

always shows details view, has buttons for favorites, history, etc.

Reg Hacks for Windows XP

Dude has TONS of .reg and .vbs files for tweaking out WinXP

Troubleshooting Windows XP, Tweaks and Fixes for Windows XP

Such as: remove typed urls, show/hide users from xp welcome screen,

quick info: hide user from xp welcome/logon screen:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList
Add DWORD value, name=username, value=0 (hide)

keywords: registry hacks windows xp tweaks

Power Off After Shutdown

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\PowerdownAfterShutdown
value = 1

Increase IE download count to 10

"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server" 10 "REG_DWORD"

"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\MaxConnectionsPerServer" 10 "REG_DWORD"

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Networked DVD Players

Interested in these for home theater system. In addition to progressive scan DVD capabilities, allow streaming audio & video (usually including MPEG2) from computer to TV, receiver.

Gateway Connected DVD

GO Video D2730

Oritron NPD3117

Pinnacle Systems "Show Center" (also check out rest of Pinnacle product lineup)

(updated 01/08/04)
