Volleynerd Knowledge Base

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Priceline Newbie

So I finally used PriceLine for the first time last week. Here are a few notes for me to remember for the next time trying.

Use BiddingForTravel to forumlate the bid. For hotels,

  1. find area you are looking for a hotel
  2. there is a list of hotels per rating (3 star, 4 star, etc) in that area
  3. find the lowest rate available online for at least 3 of those hotels (links are in the listing
  4. bid on PriceLine should be about 35% of the lowest online rate

Free "re-bid" -- again, see BiddingForTravel.com. PriceLine doesn't allow you to continue re-bidding with just a higher $ bid, you must change any of dates, hotel zone, star rating. Here's a way to re-bid with slight change in $ bid:

Find a nearby hotel "zone" that does not have any hotels with the star rating you are going for. Priceline views this as a change in the hotel zone, so a new bid is allowed (adjust the $ value as desired). You shouldn't end up with a hotel in the added zone since there are no hotels that meet the star rating you wanted.

Beware - new hotels are supposedly always being added. I guess there's a *slight* chance a hotel could show up that is not on the biddingfortravel.com website list.

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