Volleynerd Knowledge Base

Monday, July 25, 2005

Google Maps API

Someday I want to look into the Google maps API - people are starting to come up with some cool ideas on how to use the technology.

Here's one where you can make your own map with various points of interest.

Transparencies. Very cool - overlays a transparent satellite image over the top of the map view, or vice versa.

This guy uses the Google Maps APIs to interact with the mapping, and track your walking / running route. Draws it on the google map while you plot, and calculates the total distance.
google maps pedometer

(Thanks to "LifeHacker" for the link to this.)

Space shuttle tracking. Here

Cell tower locator here

Here is a summary of top 10 uses of Google Maps

Here's a decent video of how to use the Google Maps API. He integrates it with his classic ASP pages.

Plot zip codes in the USA against Google Maps

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