Volleynerd Knowledge Base

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Google Maps Pushpins

There is not an easy (documented) way to add a pushpin at a specific location in Google Maps. (sometimes this is useful to send a map to someone that says "look right HERE", and you don't necessarily know an address to map at that location). Here are a couple steps to achieve this (admitedly the brute force way).
  • Fire up maps.google.com and navigate to the location of your choice.
  • Double click the desired pushpin location, so that it gets centered in the map.
  • Click the "link to this page" at the top right of the page. This will regenerate the map with the latitude / longitude coordinates in the URL.
  • Copy the lat/long coordinates out of the URL (ex: "33.114477,-117.308235") - these should be part of the ll=... parameter in the URL (we're assuming that is the lat/long param)
  • Paste those lat/long numbers into the address search box and hit SEARCH.
There is your map with the pushpin - you can get the link to that page, email it, get directions to/from that pushpin, etc.

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