Volleynerd Knowledge Base

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Daylight Savings Time 2007

We're coming up on the new dates the US government set for 2007 daylight savings time. From a user point of view, Windows update will be (may already have) shoving down a fix for the time change. Use this "wizard" to figure out what to do.

Some interesting issues for us developers writing apps that do conversion from UTC to local time, etc.

MS KB article

My ReplayTVs are affected as well. They've notified us of an update we have to apply. I'm really glad there is enough staff left around these days supporting ReplayTV to offer this to us.

Don't forget about your mobile devices! Most phones will probably update automatically from the cell phone provider, but my Pocket PC that I use for appointment sync, navigation, etc. will most likely be affected. Info from MS here.

keywords: DST 2007

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

SQL Server Security Cribsheet

This will probably come in handy one day when I can't remember or come up with some subtle SQL Server security setup ...

SQL Server Security Cribsheet

Mac v PC

Displaying the Sizes of Your SQL Server's Database's Tables

Very often in the DB circles, the question comes up: "how big is that database?"

Finally, the answer (at least for SQL Server):


Thanks to 4GuysFromRolla for pointing this out.

Displaying the Sizes of Your SQL Server's Database's Tables

...and this gem for repeating the command for each table in the DB:
EXEC sp_MSforeachtable @command1="EXEC sp_spaceused '?'"

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Windows Mobile Versions

Sounds like I'm not alone - I can't ever decipher or remember the differences between the various versions of Windows Mobile. The BOL crew went through them today, here's the quick rundown:

  • PocketPC Edition, windows mobile classic for PDAs
    • office mobile (word, excel, powerpoint)
    • ex: Dell Axim
  • Smartphone Edition
    • windows mobile standard
    • non touch screen devices
    • office mobile document viewers only
    • ex: Cingular 3125, Samsung Blackjack
  • PocketPC Phone Edition, Windows Mobile Professional
    • PDA devices with phone functionality
    • usually has a touch screen
    • office mobile
    • ex: Cingular 8125, 8525, T-mobile MDA, Treo

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Burn almost any video file to a playable DVD

I'm always fiddling with the best (or any) way to get a given video file to a playable DVD to give to someone. Hopefully this article will finally be a one-stop solution...

Hack Attack: Burn almost any video file to a playable DVD - Lifehacker

Apple Disses Vista's New Security Features

Great take on Vista's new security features that are constantly prompting the user on what to do. Coworkers at my company have already turned the feature completely off...

Adwatch: Apple Disses Vista's New Security Features - Gizmodo
