Volleynerd Knowledge Base

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Color Theory Tutorial

I'm not afraid to admit I'm color challenged. Not that I can't distinguish colors correctly, it's more that I have no idea what colors go with what. It's funny, my wife always bums out when I refer to the RGB color space, which means nothing to her coming from the "real world" of color.

One of my coworkers, JohnB, pointed out the Kuler site the other day. It's a great way to come up with coordinated color pallettes (be it for a web site, painting a room, etc). Killer UI on their color picker to go along with it.

Thanks to nonstatic.com for pointing out the following article about Color Theory. I'll give that a read to see if I can learn at least the bare minimum...

Color Theory Tutorial by Worqx

keywords: color theory Kuler picker rgb cmyk

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