Volleynerd Knowledge Base

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year Zune

Classic. My Zune was hosed this morning, stuck on the "boot screen". Won't respond to normal reset commands. Finally this eve, searched around a bit.

Turns out it's a clock issue. Will hopefully resolve itself tomorrow.

Official statement from MS

Happy New Year Zune!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Old rec.sport.volleyball post

I was cleaning out old Firefox bookmarks and came across this one.

A really long, long time ago, back at SAIC I think, I was a frequent contributor to the rec.sport.volleyball newsgroup. (Yes, this was well before the internet was popular, web sites with "forums" weren't around, so this was the way a group of people with similar interests communicated.)

Anyway here's the post (notice the funny email address @SAIC.COM):

ro...@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Robin Amano) writes:

: I have a question I though would never get answered, because I don't know
: anybody. So if possible, what does the US team do for strength training?
: Weights? Plyometrics? If so, what do you do? Squats? Depth jumping?
: Bounding? Sorry if you already answered this, but being that the topic
: on the net is vertical leap, maybe a lot of people would be interested.
: I always wondered what the best do. Take Care and Goodluck!!
I have seen this type of question quite a bit lately, in the newsgroup, and
in my email. So, here's the general answer to the USA team conditioning,
jump/weight training, etc.

Our season runs from mid-January to mid-November. All of our 'routines' are
based on this 'year' schedule.

Conditioning: For most of year, do cardiovascular work after practice (which
goes from 8-12pm M-F) 2 or 3 times a week. Start the year with 6 weeks or so
of distance running (2 miles) to build a good cardio base. Then start moving
into sprints. Start with 440s, then 220s, 100s, 50s, and even 20s. Stay with
each distance for a month or so. We do a 440 sprint for time at the start
of the year, then the rest of the year, the sprints are at 70/80/85% so we
have to come in at a certain time.

Weights: Lift 3 times a week after practice, on the days we don't run. Again
start the year building a base, high reps, lower weight...then work into lower
reps (down to 4x6 reps or 10,8,6,4,2reps) with increased weight. As for
which lifts: Flat bench, incline bench, shoulder press, lat pulldowns, upright
rows, seated rows, tricep/bicep work, shoulder work (light weight), leg
extensions, leg curls, calf raises. The big question that is always asked is
SQUATS. That is optional for us - a few guys do them. I don't because of bad
knees, and they do more harm than good. We get a lot of work for our legs in
the course of a 4 hour INTENSE practice.

Jump Training: Occasionally (maybe 4 or 5 times a year) we will do a month
or so of jump training after practice. This consists of jumping at the net,
with weight belts or ankle weights, and working on form with our arms/hands.
Other exercises include attaching surgical tubing between our ankles, and
moving side to side (increasing the distance between the feet - thus creating
tension in the bands) on the court. We test our verticals on a 'vertec'
probably about every 2 months.

Lastly: we are tested 3/4 times a year for body fat and VO2 MAX. Our body
fat must be uner 10% or we cannot practice (until you get it down). But the
goal is 8%. Mine is 7.4% VO2 Max is a test of volume of oxygen that your
lungs cycle for a given time, and is a measure of how in shape you are. The
test consists of riding a stationary bike for 5 mins as fast and as hard as you
can while a doctor monitors heart rate, blood pressure, etc. For anyone who
knows what the numbers mean, we must be above 50 to practice.

That's about all I can think of. Feel free to email or post with further

Good Luck.
Dan Hanan USA#12

Monday, December 22, 2008

Nintendo DS R4 Chip

Got the R4 chip for the kids DS systems. Here's a run-through of how to get it going.

Bought the R4 chip here.

Thanks to this site for the video walk through.
  • 2 GB Micro SD card (like this one)
  • Copy 4 items (2 files and 2 dirs) from R4 install disc \system v1.18\English-1.18 to root of the SD card
  • Add new folder, called "Games"
  • Copy .NDS game file into the Games folder
That's it. Put the R4 chip in the NDS, turn it on. The Pac-Man looking icon is the "directory" of the R4 chips. DOS looking directory listing, choose the game and go.

(If it asks to create a save file [SAV], make sure to hit YES)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Home Gateway - Losing DVD Drive Letter

The DVD drive in my Gateway FX7029E machine is there sometimes when I boot into Windows, and then randomly disappears. After it disappears, it doesnt show up in BIOS or then anytime in Windows. I have gotten it to reappear only after changing the SATA cables around.

Currently: SATA0 (HD), 1 (DVD), 2 (HD #2)

Called Costco, they brought Gateway on the line, and the guy quoted me MS KB article 929461 about disappearing drive letters in Vista. (not exactly my case, cuz I didn't upgrade from previous Windows version).

Anyway - deleted UpperFilters as described in the KB article (LowerFilters didn't exist).

Wala ! DVD Drive (F) is there again! Not holding my breath that it will stay there for long. Will keep an eye on it.

Thanks Costco / Gateway !
