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Tuesday, February 09, 2016
Celebrate Rarely, Grind Daily - Colin Cowherd, podcast 02/09/16 Posted 8:03 AM | 1 comments | Permalink ![]() Saturday, January 30, 2016
SQL Server allow remote connections Quick checklist of the things that need to be checked to allow remote connections to SQL server
Posted 11:33 AM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]() Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Goofing in Palm Desert pool, Avery grabs Ben from behind around the waist, Ben: "they're soft and smooth" (Reference: some bagels B and Jamie recently got at the store, had that on the packaging, "soft and smooth". Relating that to his belly rolls) Posted 4:11 PM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]() Wednesday, November 18, 2015
I always seem to have problems getting audio working through HDMI cable to external monitor / TV. This time in particular, it's from my Surface Pro 3, to my TV (testing for tomorrow's HS volleyball banquet slide show) Cable: Display Port to HDMI, from MonoPrice. Confirmed it DOES support audio in the cable. This is the cable I have. Searched to the end of the internet, and found a grasp-at-straws attempt, and tried it. Uninstalled Intel Display Audio drivers and reinstalled. Combine that with a reboot, and Changing the Default Format did the trick. #1 - Uninstall drivers and reinstall. Device manager, Audio inputs and outputs. SAMSUNG (Intel Display Audio). Right click, uninstall.
Turn right around and SCAN FOR HARDWARE CHANGES, which will immediately install the drivers you just uninstalled.
#2 - Change the Default Format of the Audio Plug in the Display Port to HDMI cable. Control panel, sound, choose the device where you are trying to send audio (and presumably the video is already working). Right click and set it as the Default Device Right click Properties, Advanced. Change Default Format down to the first setting (16-bit, 32000 Hz FM radio works for me, probably depends on the device you're sending audio to). Click TEST to see/hear if it works. Prosper. Posted 7:20 PM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]() Sunday, August 10, 2014
Time Warner Cable - Remote Control Programming (oops - this is pretty much the same info as the last post, I guess I outsmarted myself, should have looked here at the blog first) Latest remote that comes with Whole House DVR - how to program to work the Onkyo receiver. Remote: RC122 Tell remote to control volume via Receiver
(now with the steps below, the volume should be run through the receiver) Tell AUX about the Onkyo Receiver
Manual for remote Posted 7:02 PM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]() Thursday, February 06, 2014
Updated Time Warner Cable Equipment Finally got around to getting Whole House DVR equipment and service. DVR boxes; Motorola DCX3510-M Remote: Phillips RC122 Instruction manual for remote: http://www.timewarnercable.com/en/residential-home/support/pyr/twc-philips-remote.html Program remote for other devices. Onkyo receiver HOLD AUX + SELECT/OK 3222 Control receiver volume when in CBL mode HOLD CBL + SELECT/OK 993 AUX Guide / DVR from the web http://video2.timewarnercable.com/ Posted 9:16 PM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]() Sunday, January 19, 2014
Receiver and Speakers for New Room Update; 06/18/15 Onkyo receiver was losing audio very often, usually when scrubbing around on DVR. Even jump back 30 seconds, then the audio would be lost (just silent) for 20 seconds or more. Suspected cable box since this Time Warner equipment is so lame, but narrowed it down to receiver. Hooked up straight from cable box to TV and played through those speakers (bypass receiver all together). No loss of audio. Found this on how to reset the receiver. http://forums.onkyousa.com/viewtopic.php?t=8036&p=29305 Did just step one: unplug the receiver power for 30 seconds. Now trying same content that was causing audio loss previously, and so far so good. Finally got around to setting up sweet sound for the new room. Here are the details. As you can tell, got it from WOOT. 09/18/13 Onkyo HT-RC560 7.2 Channel 3D-Ready Network A/V Receiver w/ Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Got 5.1 speakers through Amazon. Leviton AEH50-WH Come with mounting brackets for the 5 (including center) satellite speakers. Posted 2:07 PM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]() Saturday, December 08, 2012
Droid Razr Maxx - Silence Camera Shutter I'm using LapseItPro to create time lapse movies, but despite the setting in the app to disable the camer shutter sound, I still get the CLICK.
Found this thread, where this guy wrote a simple little app to disable this "security feature".
And I put the APK here in case it's ever missing.
Posted 3:20 PM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]() Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Wahoo! Got a Slingbox HD for xmas (bought it for myself with my pile of Best Buy gift cards - ended up costing me $3 pre-tax). Some links and info: Windows Desktop software. Looks like this is "legacy" software now, in favor of the web based viewer. If you want to use custom remotes, you have to use this desktop software. 30-second advance. Since the actual remote for my DVR doesn't natively support this feature (I assigned it to a dead button with a hack), it's natural that the Slingbox UI remote doesn't have it either. Here is a discussion of a guy that tweaks the BIN files that define the remote. Learn more about this! I have the Motorola DCX3400, so check out this thread. Building custom remotes. Posted 9:04 AM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]() Thursday, December 15, 2011
Galaxy Nexus vs. Droid Bionic vs. Droid RAZR: Battle of the Verizon LTE Phones | News & Opinion | PCMag.com Posted 2:04 PM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]() Sunday, August 14, 2011
Not sure if WIRNS is still being updated, but giving the newest version a try. 3.0 beta. Install is much better than before. First run of the service (according to the logs), detects 64-bit OS, and swaps out the SqlLite DLLs. Nice. Still get crash when the service starts. Debug logs say format exception. Apparently it can't figure out our own machine's IP address.
http://wiki.wirns.com Posted 4:21 PM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]() Ready to re-install WIRNS after a machine rebuild, and it has to be on port 80 (Replays only talk on that port). Fine - I move IIS to another port. But, WIRNS installer says it's still in use. Long story short, it's not IIS (it *was* on 80, but I moved it), lots of peeps on the tubes saying various other processes: SQL Reporting Services was the most popular. For me, it was Web Deployment Agent Service. MS docs about it here. Even with IIS running on 80, it's somehow *sharing* that port, and sticks around after IIS has been moved. Telnet localhost 80 HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0 Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2011 21:11:43 GMT Connection: close Content-Length: 326 Anyway - I'm not remote deploying anything to this box, so this service is now disabled. Port 80 - free again! Posted 4:17 PM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]() Tuesday, August 09, 2011
I'm definitely not an iPad fan, but since my kids have one, I have to track a few of these "tips and tricks" pages. 50 really useful iPad tips and tricks Posted 11:28 AM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]() Sunday, April 24, 2011
I repaved our home machine, and I'm struggling to get iTunes back to it's old self. Here are a few reminders on how to configure stuff. Export purchased songs as MP3 The "export" menu option (select a particular song, then context menu or Advanced menu) is by default "Create AAC version". This is still DRM'd. To change that to MP3, have to adjust "import settings" (stupid that they're related). Edit, Preferences, General, "When you insert a CD" = "Ask to import CD". Import Settings, choose MP3 Encoder, and bit rate quality (I do 192 kbps). Now the "Create ... Version" should say MP3 instead. Rebuild "Purchased Music" playlist According to their installed help, it will get rebuilt the next time you purchase music. (lame!) To see history of purchases, go to your store account, and choose purchase history. This is just an online list of purchases and their music. Still to figure out:
After purchasing a song from iTunes, I want it as an MP3, ready to use from the Zune side.
Posted 1:01 PM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]() Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Always have trouble remembering / finding where the pics are uploaded to. https://kinectshare.com/Landing.aspx Posted 11:46 AM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]() Saturday, February 26, 2011
http://www.overclock.net/faqs/91945-info-how-play-bots-battlefield-2-a.html Following these steps, Connor and I got local LAN working with us playing on 2 different machines, same team, against AI bots. Posted 3:07 PM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]() Sunday, December 12, 2010
Christmas Card Mail Merge to Labels - HowTo Since I only do this once a year, I always forget the couple sneaky steps I have to do to pull this off.
Posted 8:37 PM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]() Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Android Market "Stuck" Downloading The Market app on my Droid phone has been "stuck" for the past couple days trying to update the Google Maps application. Connectivity was fine, other apps could update themselves, browser works, etc. Tried canceling the download a few times, which would force close the Market app. Finally searched a little more tonight and found a work-around. Phone Settings - Applications - All, find Google Maps ("Maps"). Drill in and choose "Clear Data". Do the same for the Market app. Now run the Market (unfortunately you get the EULA since we just removed one of the many "cookies"), and update Google Maps. Worked for me. Your mileage may vary. Posted 6:40 PM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]() Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sony 50" TV Red Light Blinking TV is probably about 8 years old. Turning off on its own, red light on front blinks 34 times, and then picture comes back on. Original specs on TV here. Looking around the internets, I'm not alone. Used system menus per instructions here and reset lamp timer. (was at 15,109 hours. yikes. 1.7 years of continuous watching) Cheat sheet to reset lamp timer:
Otherwise, maybe need a new bulb. According to this post, get one from eBay and self install? search eBay for "REPLACEMENT LAMP SONY XL-2100U", from seller "niosales" $129 (make sure you get lamp that includes entire lamp housing, not just the bulb) Can I self install? (update 10/12/10) Yep. Ended up buying this one, and self installing. TV works again, and no blinking red light! (update 12/19/10) Worked great for a while, now it's back to its old tricks. Every 20 mins or so, picture goes out, red light blinks 34 times, and then picture comes back. We found a brand new bulb (same kind I ordered) in a box in the closet here at the house. Think it was the one our Sony extended repair guy ordered for us ("for safe keeping") before the warranty was over. Tried putting that one in, and now getting no picture, and red light blinks 3 times at startup. This doesn't look good: "overvoltage, IC is faulty..." DOH! After screwing with it for a while, realized that I was trying the TV without putting the lamp cover back on. Once I put that back on -- it works!! (safety issue I'm sure - TV cant turn on without the cover) Now we just hold our breath and see how long this lamp lasts... Posted 9:15 PM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]() Sunday, August 22, 2010
Google Voice Commands on phone Google announces voice commands for Android on Droid, etc. "send text to billy hey lets have lunch" ... Need:
http://androinica.com/2010/08/12/google-introduces-voice-actions-for-android-allows-users-to-control-their-phones-with-voice-commands/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+androinica+%28Androinica+-++A+Google+Android+Blog%29&utm_content=Twitter Posted 8:33 PM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]() Sunday, May 30, 2010
Just a place to track all the new features in Android 2.2 "Froyo"
Posted 1:55 PM | 0 comments | Permalink ![]()